My Morning Routine (Instagram vs Reality)

Fitness towel is from Geometry House. Use code MAGIC15 for 15% off your order.

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Ah morning routines. Now, I wish I had a detailed hour by hour morning routine for you that could magically help make your mornings a little easier. Sadly, I don’t. My mornings vary like the seasons here in Oklahoma. One morning, I’m up before the kids because they somehow slept in and i can get in a walk, a coffee and a couple checks off my to do list. Other days (more often than not, like today) I’m struggling to get out of bed to the sound of my older two screaming for cereal and a plethora of other breakfast foods. Most mornings its a real hot mess around here.

And I think it’s okay to have a little bit of both. I know for me, holding myself to such rigid standards is not sustainable. I can’t ALWAYS be up before the kids and they can’t ALWAYS sleep in just because I want them to. I think its okay to give ourselves grace and knowing that its okay and the day isn’t ruined because we didn’t have a coffee be ourselves. Mom life is hard enough as it is.

Don’t get me wrong though, I will live and die by the naptime/bedtime schedule. That will never change. Twins go down for first nap by 9:30, up by 11-11:30, lunch at 12, everyone down for quiet time or a nap by 1:30-2 and up by 3:30-4. Somehow they don’t fight me on this so we’re going with it until it breaks! (lol)

Well, that’s about as good of a morning routine advice that I can give you. Do what works for you. If you can stick to a morning routine that works for you every day, I applaud you. If you’re like me and are so scatterbrained that you can’t stick to one for more than a few days, that’s okay too. Above all, be flexible and give yourself grace.

Use code MAGIC15 for 15% off your order with Geometry House


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